
9 Facebook Ad Design Trends You’re Sure To See In 2023

Over the past year, we’ve seen many trends develop within the Facebook ad ecosystem.

As we near the end of 2024, here are some brand favorites we expect to see more of in the upcoming year.

1. Stop Motion

Stop motion has taken both design and advertising by storm. It gives advertisers a great way to captivate users on mobile, depicting stories and product messaging with simple, eye-catching movement.


2. Quotes and Reviews

In a world where we’re bombarded with new products and services daily, marketers are leaning on user reviews and customer testimonials to build trust. We expect this Facebook ad design trend to only pick up the pace.


3. Custom Illustration

Along with high-quality branded photography and video that is becoming the industry norm, many brands have taken their branding to the next level with custom illustration. In advertising, it is a great tool to quickly convey a brand name with eye-catching and simple visuals.


4. Product Packaging & Unboxing

Many product companies are rethinking the role packaging plays in their branding and putting it front and center. Whether it’s a delivery box, an unboxing of a product, or package design, we expect to see more advertisers latch onto this trend in the new year as a part of Facebook ad design trends.


5. Selling Content

Many companies, especially B2B technology companies, are going all-in on content marketing, using channels like Facebook to promote their eBooks and guides. This trend is showing no signs of slowing.


6. Simplified App Screenshots

As generic lifestyle imagery becomes less effective, brands are turning to their products for visuals. As attention scrolling and swiping quickens, however, advertisers are ditching the details to show product basics quickly in ads.


7. Product Images in Carousels

Carousels gave advertisers a great way to dive deep into products and are designed with mobile in mind. Some of our favorite examples of these ads included step by step guides of how physical product or apps work, onboarding processes, product capabilities and features, and more.


8. Data Visualizations and Visual Cues

Mobile marketers have to get creative to quickly display many data points at once. Combining text or simple graphics to graphs and tables is a great way to quickly articulate messages.


9. Flatlays

Displaying products on surfaces quickly grab attention, and can be a great way to differentiate from other products, or tell a quick story. We expect to see more of these Facebook ad design trends to grace our Facebook feeds in 2021.


Consumer trends are constantly changing, and we know how hard it is to keep up. We’re excited to see what 2021 has in store for digital advertising including mobile advertising services.

Digital agency Ignite Visibility put together an updated list of dimensions, guidelines, and ad specifics for each type of Facebook ad. This way, when you create new Facebook ads, you will know that each one is going to work for you.
