
Web Wizards

Verified Agency

A web design, website development, graphic design, marketing, Google Ads & Search engine Optimisation (SEO) agency based in Perth Western Australia.

Agency Employees: 2-10


We are Perth-based Web Design and Traffic Generation company. We employ a team of enthusiastic people with a passion for and commitment to great web design that delivers well built, robust websites designed to attract customers to your business. Everything is done in Australia, NO outsourcing to India or the Philippines which is so common.

Web Wizards is a company that is big enough to produce the best possible website suited to your business, yet small enough to offer personal service.

We offer a FREE Consultation anywhere in the Perth metro. Alternatively, you can visit our office where you are guaranteed friendly staff and a cup of coffee while we discuss what your business needs to thrive.

  • HQ

  • ADDRESS: 17/179 Sevenoaks St, Cannington WA 6107 Perth, Australia
  • PHONE: (61) (08) 9350 9392