
Pragmatica Agency’s Collaboration with Can Com

Can Com, an internet provider based in Williams Lake, BC, has been a key player in the industry since its founding in 3. With a team of 110 employees, Can Com faced significant challenges, including a slow website, high bounce rate, and a complicated user interface. These issues were impacting their efficiency, reliability, and control over key business processes.

Pragmatica is backed by decades of expertise pioneer in digital transformation for purpose-led organizations committed to making a change we wish to see in the World. Based in Vancouver, Pragmatica are specialists that craft simple and bold solutions on the web. Combining form and function to create ideas that connect businesses to customers. We want to help you solve your business problems in the least complex way possible. Pragmatica collaborates with organizations dedicated to making a positive impact, delivering a powerful blend of design, branding, and technology to drive digital transformation.

Industry Challenge

The internet service provider industry is highly competitive, and maintaining a fast, user-friendly website is crucial for customer retention and satisfaction. Can Com’s existing website, which had been pieced together with multiple technology solutions over the years, was no longer meeting their needs. They required a strategic partner to overhaul their digital presence and improve their user interface logic and front-end performance.

Vision and Mission

Can Com sought to reduce their website’s bounce rate, improve site speed, and simplify the user interface to enhance the overall user experience. Their goal was to create a more efficient and reliable digital platform that could better serve their customers and support their business operations.

Collaboration with Pragmatica Agency

Pragmatica Agency was selected as Can Com’s partner after a thorough evaluation process. A member of the Can Com team organized the interview procedure, compiling a shortlist of candidates from online sources and evaluating their designs. Pragmatica stood out as the best choice due to their expertise and innovative approach.

Project Goals

The primary objectives of the collaboration were to modernize Can Com’s website, implement a new content management system (CMS), and streamline their workflow to allow for faster and more efficient updates. Pragmatica’s role began in a consulting capacity, providing a comprehensive technology assessment of Can Com’s current design, user experience, and system architecture.

Key Achievements:

  • Technology Assessment and Recommendations: Pragmatica identified 28 distinct recommendations for user flow improvement, ranging from brand positioning to web design to SEO management. These recommendations formed the basis of a strategic plan to enhance Can Com’s digital presence.
  • Modernized Website with .NET API and Angular: Using a .NET API and Angular, Pragmatica built a modernized and redesigned portal for Can Com. This new platform included a tracking system for all website traffic and social media interactions, allowing Can Com’s admin to monitor user metrics and behavior to identify underperforming areas for further improvement.
  • Significant Performance Improvements: The new website led to considerable growth in site speed and customer feedback. Key performance metrics included a 61% reduction in bounce rate year-over-year, a 16% improvement in site speed performance within the first 60 days, and a 39% increase in online traffic year-over-year.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The redesigned website offered a more intuitive and engaging user experience. With a focus on user-centric design, the new site made it easier for visitors to navigate and find the information they needed, resulting in higher engagement rates and increased satisfaction.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the main challenges was ensuring that the new CMS was user-friendly and accessible to the Can Com team, who had limited technical expertise. Pragmatica addressed this by providing comprehensive training and support, ensuring that the team felt confident in using the new system.

Another challenge was balancing creativity with functionality. While it was important to create a visually appealing website, it was equally crucial to ensure that the site was functional and easy to navigate. Pragmatica achieved this balance by working closely with Can Com to understand their needs and preferences, and by conducting extensive user testing to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.


Can Com’s partnership with Pragmatica Agency exemplifies how a modern approach and creative solutions can drive significant improvements in an industry traditionally resistant to change. By leveraging Pragmatica’s expertise and innovative solutions, Can Com was able to transform their digital presence, streamline their workflow, and enhance the overall experience for their customers.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, Can Com plans to continue their collaboration with Pragmatica Agency to further enhance their digital presence. This includes exploring new technologies and trends to create even more engaging and efficient experiences for their users.

Get in Touch: Need help with your website or app? Let’s get in touch! Pragmatica Agency is here to provide innovative and effective solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

About Pragmatica

Pragmatica, a web design and development agency, is an expert at creating an online presence for businesses that captures the imagination, drives user behavior, and converts visitors into customers.