Senior User Experience (UX) Researcher

Isadora Agency is looking for a Senior User Experience (UX) Researcher to join their team.


Isadora Agency is looking for a detail-oriented strategic thinker & problem solver. The Senior User Experience Researcher is able to facilitate effective solutions for how a user will interact with web-based experiences. You’ll be contributing to creating a range of innovative client work while driving our agency forward. This individual enjoys coming up with new, creative, and/or engaging experiences that enhance the way people interact with brands online. You’ll be part of a team of specialists brainstorming, strategizing, and crafting user experiences that push the envelope. You will help lead UX research efforts across various projects and assist in the creation of powerful, intuitive, and interactive web user experiences across business websites, mobile, apps, marketing campaigns, UX design systems, microsites, and full-scale eCommerce brands.

The right candidate should have experience related to creating clean and intelligent user experiences for medium to large-scale brand websites that solve objectives including conversion and engagement. As a UX Researcher, you’ll work closely with our Creative Director, Visual Designers, Copywriters, Animators, and Digital Producers to bring to life terrific and intuitive web user experiences for various market leaders, innovators, and global brands across several industries. You would assist with the quantitative side of things. This would require experience with Google Analytics, surveys, card sorting, usability testing, A/B, and multivariate testing, desirability studies, etc. Someone who can contribute to ideas regarding how we can expand our UX research methodologies would also be a big plus.

Our digital agency is expanding and tackling highly attractive challenges every day. Our long-term clients come from various industries including non-profit, consumer goods, financial services, retail, entertainment, fintech, health, and online media to name a few. If you’re looking to become a valuable asset where you have a great deal of influence, are recognized, rewarded, and have a chance to produce interesting work daily, we have an incredible team waiting to meet you.

Examples of Actual Deliverables:

  • 1:1 Stakeholder and User Interviews / Able to Present Findings
  • Quantitative Data Analysis
  • Presentation Prep
  • Survey Design and Analysis
  • Card Sorting
  • Competitive website review
  • Content audit & analysis
  • Conversion funnels
  • Heatmap analysis
  • Task & conversion flowcharts
  • Sitemap & information architecture
  • User journeys & user personas
  • Low-Fi wireframes
  • Usability and user-acceptance testing

Key Responsibilities:

  • Conduct all phases of quantitative research & knowledge transfer (planning, data collection, analysis, reporting)
  • Create detailed assets like site maps, user flows, wireframes, etc.
  • Create UX deliverables that are polished and client-ready
  • Experience designing and conducting user research and user testing
  • Communicate effectively with team members and clients
  • Collaborate with and present directly to clients, fostering trust and concisely explaining the best approaches to meet their specific needs
  • Provide direction to design, development, and content teams within the agency
  • Stay current with industry-standard tools and UX processes
  • Help drive evolving UI/UX processes within the agency

Essential Requirements:

  • A portfolio (required) consisting of polished UX Research examples
  • 7+ years of professional UX experience solving complex business problems within a digital agency, consultancy, or other relevant experience
  • Ability to translate research findings into actionable recommendations
  • Highly organized with strong execution skills
  • Excellent communication skills (Oral & Written)
  • Proficiency in Miro, Figma, OmniGraffle, & other industry-standard UX tools
  • High-quality standards and a desire to produce forward-thinking work
  • Humble and professional approach
  • Your Online Portfolio should showcase some or all of the following UX assets:
  • knowledge transfer/surveys/stakeholder interviews
  • top competitor reviews
  • journey mapping
  • user personas
  • information architecture
  • Low/high-fidelity wireframes
  • Site Maps

Compensation / Benefits:

  • The position is REMOTE – WORK FROM HOME role: HQ is in beautiful Manhattan Beach, CA
  • Full-Time role: 5 days/week
  • 4 WEEKS’ PAID VACATION after only 1 year
  • Competitive Salary
  • Paid Holidays
  • Flexible Paid Time Off
  • Paid Sick Days
  • Gourmet snacks
  • Full Benefits – Medical / Dental / Vision
  • LOTS of perks
  • 401K
  • Compensation: DOE

Please Note: Producers of commercials, TV, Film, without an extensive background in interactive website expertise, should not apply.

Job Application Link:


Isadora Agency

Web design company and leader in enterprise digital transformations via branding, UX Design, Product Design, eCommerce, and ongoing web development & management.


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