
How CERT Achieved 180% Growth in Keyword Rankings and 14K New Users Through Strategic SEO

In the highly competitive world of property development and management, having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting clients and standing out in the market. CERT, a company specialising in property development, investment, and management, understands the importance of making its services easily accessible to a broad audience. Their comprehensive offerings, from asset and tenant management to bespoke business plans and financial reporting, are designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients.

However, despite their expertise and dedication, CERT faced a significant challenge: their online visibility was not fully optimised, limiting their ability to reach potential clients. With only 320 keywords ranking on search engines, they knew there was untapped potential in their digital footprint. Recognising the need to enhance their SEO performance and expand their online reach, CERT partnered with us to drive their growth and visibility in the digital landscape.

Understanding the Challenge

When CERT initially partnered with Mr Digital, its online presence was solid but not fully optimised to its potential. With only 320 keywords ranking on search engines, their visibility was limited, which restricted their ability to attract a wider audience and generate new business opportunities. In the competitive field of property development and management, where visibility and accessibility are key to success, this was a significant challenge.

For CERT, improving their SEO was not just about increasing numbers; it was about making their wide range of services more accessible to potential clients who needed them. The goal was clear: enhance their digital footprint to drive more organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately, strengthen their market position.

Why CERT Chose Us

CERT selected Mr Digital to spearhead its digital transformation due to our proven expertise in SEO and our commitment to delivering measurable results. They recognised that Mr Digital’s approach wasn’t just about applying generic SEO tactics, but about crafting a strategy tailored specifically to their business needs and market position.

Our track record of success in enhancing online visibility for businesses across various industries stood out to CERT. They were particularly drawn to our ability to create customised strategies that align with each client’s unique goals. With a deep understanding of the digital landscape and a focus on long-term growth, we were well-positioned to help CERT overcome its challenges and unlock new opportunities.

CERT valued our dedication to continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making, knowing that our commitment to tracking, measuring, and optimising every aspect of their SEO campaign would be crucial in achieving sustained success.

>h2>Our Strategic Approach Using the Infinity-5 Framework

To achieve CERT’s goals, we implemented our proven Infinity-5 Framework, a comprehensive approach that ensures every aspect of digital marketing is meticulously planned, executed, and optimised for success. Here’s how we applied each step of this framework to drive CERT’s remarkable SEO growth.

1. Research & Plan

We began by conducting a thorough analysis of CERT’s existing digital footprint, including an in-depth review of its website, content, and keyword performance. We also analysed their competitors’ online strategies and identified gaps that CERT could leverage. This research phase allowed us to understand CERT’s market position and target audience, which informed the creation of a tailored SEO strategy. Our plan focused on expanding keyword rankings, optimising content, and enhancing overall online visibility.

2. Track & Measure

With a clear strategy in place, the next step was to establish robust tracking and measurement systems. We utilised advanced tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), including keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement. By setting specific goals, such as increasing the number of ranking keywords and organic traffic, we were able to measure the effectiveness of our tactics in real time and ensure we were on the right path to achieving CERT’s objectives.

3. Execute

Execution was the critical phase where our plans came to life. We implemented a rigorous on-page SEO campaign that included optimising meta tags, headers, and content across CERT’s website to align with targeted keywords. We also engaged in strategic link-building activities, acquiring high-quality backlinks that would boost CERT’s domain authority and improve search engine rankings. Our efforts were tailored to CERT’s unique market, ensuring that their online content resonated with both search engines and potential clients.

4. Optimise

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and so is our approach. Throughout the campaign, we continuously monitored the performance of our SEO tactics and made data-driven adjustments to optimise results. This included refining keyword strategies based on search trends, enhancing content to improve user engagement, and tweaking technical SEO elements to ensure optimal site performance. Our commitment to optimisation ensured that CERT’s SEO campaign remained dynamic and effective, driving sustained improvements in its online presence.

5. Scale

As we began to see significant gains in keyword rankings and organic traffic, we focused on scaling these successes. We expanded our SEO efforts to cover additional keywords and content areas, further broadening CERT’s digital footprint. By capitalising on what was working, we were able to amplify the impact of our strategies. This scaling phase solidified CERT’s online standing and positioned them for continued growth in the competitive property development and management sector.

The Results: Transforming CERT’s Digital Presence

The implementation of our Infinity-5 Framework led to outstanding results for CERT, significantly boosting its online presence and setting the stage for continued growth. Over the course of the campaign, CERT experienced a remarkable 180% increase in the number of keywords they ranked for, jumping from 320 to over 580 keywords. This substantial improvement in keyword rankings made CERT’s services more visible to potential clients and enhanced their position in search engine results.

Moreover, our focused SEO strategies brought in 14,962 new users through organic search alone, demonstrating the power of a well-executed and optimised SEO campaign. These new users not only increased CERT’s website traffic but also opened up new business opportunities, further solidifying their standing in the competitive property development and management industry.


CERT’s journey from a modest online presence to a robust, high-ranking digital footprint exemplifies the impact of a strategic and meticulously executed SEO campaign. Through our Infinity-5 Framework, we were able to unlock CERT’s potential, driving significant growth in keyword rankings and user engagement. This case study is a testament to the effectiveness of tailored SEO strategies in transforming a business’s online visibility and paving the way for sustained success.

For businesses like CERT, the right digital marketing partner can make all the difference. Our proven approach not only meets but exceeds expectations, delivering measurable results that propel businesses forward in the digital landscape. If your business is looking to enhance its online presence and achieve similar success, our team is ready to help you navigate the path to digital growth.