Full Stack Fest 2018
Full Stack Fest 2018 will take place on 3-7 September at the Auditori AXA in Barcelona.
Full Stack Fest 2018 is a week-long full stack development conference with a focus on solving current problems with new & inspiring perspectives.Why you should attend?
• Meet The Community: Build stronger bonds between the developers and community.
• Find Inspiration: Get inspired by industry leaders and get knowledge about fresh, new technologies that can applied in your day-to-day work.
• Work Together: Meeting people facing the same problems encourages working together towards a common solution.
• Innovative: Get new ideas by thinking outside the box in a dynamic, inspiring environment like Barcelona.
Check out the highlights of last year’s event:
They’ve kept improving over the years thanks to the incredibly valuable suggestions from everyone involved.
Multi-track conferences are a double- edge sword. While they seem to provide more variety, they present too many choices that can end up being frustrating. They want our attendees not to worry about anything and share a common experience you can further discuss at the halls or in the parties.
They’re putting the languages aside to put a strong focus on the technologies behind them and the problems you’re trying to solve. At its core, the conference retains its soul: A single-track, curated, deeply technical event featuring the best speakers and industry leaders worldwide.
Full Stack Fest 2018 organized by Codegram which is a software studio specializing in Ruby, Elixir, JavaScript and Clojure applications, crafted with love in Barcelona and London.
Codegram started in 2009 as a web consultancy, but they’ve grown to become much more than that. From leading self-funded startups like Empresaula to organizing world-famous conferences like Barcelona Ruby Conference, FutureJS or Full Stack Fest, they work hard to keep our craft in shape and closely work with the community and their customers to deliver the best results.
Join them this September for a full stack development week in the sunny city of Barcelona!
For more details and event tickets, click here.This event is organized by Codegram
on 3-7 September 2018,
in Barcelona.