
Clyde Golden

Verified Agency

Clyde Golden is an email marketing and digital direct agency in Seattle.

Agency Employees: 2-10


Clyde Golden’s strategy, creative, data, and technology expertise has helped start-ups and large enterprises build relationships, increase engagement, and grow revenue.

We are an email & SMS marketing agency in Seattle.

We use your customer data to help you send engaging and relevant messages across the customer journey, while making sure the messages you send look great wherever they’re seen.

– Klaviyo Certified Email & SMS Marketing Agency
– Iterable Cross-Channel Marketing Certified
– Program Diagnostics & Analysis
– Email Templates & Module Libraries
– Audience Segmentation
– Creative Services (copywriting & design)
– Email Coding
– Campaign Management
– Campaign Analysis

  • HQ

  • ADDRESS: Street Address: 2100 Westlake Avenue North, #102, Seattle, WA 98109
  • PHONE: +1 (206) 8535184

Type of Services

Marketing Automation