Propeller – Digital Partner Of The National Television Awards
Propeller were delighted to be the Digital Partner for the National Television Awards for the second year in a row and have the chance to be involved with the leading TV awards event and fantastic celebration of the UK’s most loved stars and shows.
Propeller’s work for the National Television Awards started previous to the event with the design and creation of branded filters to use for the special event’s social content, incorporating the assets, colours and aesthetics from the theme of this years’ event.
They also worked on an exclusive branding board used on the red carpet to capture full length shots of the nominees and attendees on their arrival to the awards.
On the day, Propeller team took over the digital and social support for content, providing live updates of the awards announcements as well as real-time images from the red carpet and the event itself so that the NTA social following could be as involved as possible in the spectacle!
According to Propeller team, it was a fantastic event and extremely successful as always and they were thrilled to have been a part of it!
Which award programs do you consider for your agency this year?
If you’re aware of the importance of winning awards, and would like to explore the possibilities, have a look at the Best Digital Agency Awards for consideration in 2018.
About Propeller
Propeller is a full service digital agency with a team of 70+ digital agency specialists who are diligent project managers, UX experts and conversion masterminds.