
Tangent Releases the Ultimate CRO Playbook: 10 Behaviour Hacks to Boost Conversion

Whilst the team don’t really believe in the term ‘growth hacking’ here at Tangent, they are confident that every business can boost its conversion rate through some quick wins.

They don’t need to be complicated either – but they do need to be grounded in evidence. At Tangent, their growth team views CRO through the lens of hard data and behavioral science. Put more simply, this means they use the study of how people behave to help businesses influence their web users.

It isn’t just how Tangent wants people to behave (or how they claim to, either), but how they actually behave. They base their CRO plays on behavioral biases identified from thousands of experiments by the world’s leading psychologists, and bring it into the digital world with recommendations of how you can use it on your site. From preventing choice paralysis to making your users feel like they are getting a fair deal, there’s something for every business to learn if online is a key sales channel.


Tangent has condensed all of this research into their CRO Playbook for 10 hacks to boost your conversion rate.

They did their homework too. To create their CRO Playbook, they partnered with behavioral science expert and author of The Choice Factory, Richard Shotton, to sift through decades of psychological research. Tangent then broke down these seminal studies and analyzed the results to give you clear actions to make on your site today.

The result? A digestible play-by-play guide of 10 behavior hacks you can use to boost your conversion rate.

There really are no tricks here – just evidence.

Richard Trigg – Experience Design Director at Tangent said:

We’re excited to have created this playbook with clear, actionable ideas to increase your conversion rate, actually rooted in behavioral science and supported by empirical research.

About Tangent

Tangent solves digital challenges and craft memorable customer experiences through product design, tech & conversion rate optimization.