
Brand Day London 2018

Brand Day London 2018 will take place on March 1st, at RIBA in London.

Brand Day London 2018 will feature presentations that explore the elements of successful modern brands: fonts, imagery, user-generated-content and how it all unites to provide an enhanced customer experience.


12.30 PM: Registration and Light Lunch

1.00 PM: Jürgen Siebert Welcome & Intro

1.10 PM Alex Mecklenburg Keynote

1.40 PM Jessica Kier, KMS Team | Thomas Laschet, Canyon

2.20 PM Coffee Break

2.50 PM W&K | Formula 1

3.20 PM Malou Verlomme, Monotype| TFL

3.50 PM Lovers | Greenpeace

4.20 PM Coffee Break

4.50 PM Olapic | Juan Andrés Milleiro, NH Hotel Group

5.20 PM Pentagram

5.50 PM Closing remarks

6.00 PM – 8.00 PM Networking, Drinks Reception & Canapés

Brand Day London 2018 is organized by Monotype GmbH, which provides font software for a range of print and display applications.

Learn from case studies by internationally renowned experts who are building and rethinking brands in the digital age.

Interested? For registration and event details, click here.

This event is organized by Monotype GmbH
on March 1st,2018 in London.