
Best Social Media Reporting Tools for Marketing Agencies

Social media reporting tools for marketing agencies help you monitor your marketing efforts. Regular social media performance reporting will improve your tactics in the long run.

Let’s begin by defining what a social media report means. 

Social media reports are the documents that gather and show real-time data from your social media activities. These reports reveal how your social media channels and marketing campaigns perform using different metrics.

Before exploring the best social media reporting tools for marketing agencies, figure out how to create one step by step.

How to Create a Social Media Report

According to research, 54% of social browsers use social media channels to look for products. That proves the significance of a well-thought social media plan for every brand in every industry. One way to check your plan’s efficiency is to get reports regularly.

First, let’s begin with breaking the process of creating a social media report down into the key points. 

  • Start creating your social media report by deciding on the presentation model. 
  • You may benefit from report templates or invent one of your own. 
  • Choose the social metrics you will work with. 
  • In doing so, you need to consider your purpose in making this report. Tracking brand awareness levels, sales improvement, or public reputation might be your goal.
  • Regarding metrics, you may evaluate audience size, follower growth rates, click-through rates, or conversion rates.
  • Gathering data with various analytics tools will facilitate your work and save you more time. 
  • Eventually, you may enrich the report with visuals and graphics.

Doing this process manually requires time and expertise. However, a social media reporting tool can facilitate your work. 

Why is Social Media Reporting Important?

As a marketing agency, you may provide a client with various marketing solutions, for example, influencer marketing or content marketing. Eventually, your customers will demand to see desirable outcomes of these efforts. Here, social media reporting helps you prove the quality and value of your social media marketing plan. 

These reports heavily rely on data sources and facts. That increases the reliability of your work, building trustful relationships with your clients. Whether you are a small business or a leading global company, you should show your results to persuade customers to choose you. 

Social media analytics reports lead your marketing efforts in the right direction. What is working best for you? Which channels do you need to improve or focus on? Social media reporting gives you the answers and the chance to develop more efficient solutions.

Best Social Media Reporting Tools for Marketing Agencies

Social media reporting tools facilitate monitoring the productivity of your social media campaigns and improving it accordingly. You should include these tools in your marketing strategy to get ahead in the competition. 

Let’s explore a list of the best reporting tools for your marketing agency.

  • AgencyAnalytics
  • Whatagraph
  • DashThis
  • Measure Studio
  • Agorapulse
  • Iconosquare
  • Improvado


Source: AgencyAnalytics

AgencyAnalytics is one of the best social media reporting tools built specifically for marketing agencies. They work with more than 5,000 growing agencies and provide excellent services.

This automated social media analytics tool saves time and money by providing solutions to each of your needs. You may add your logo and branding to your reports with white labels, thus blending your authentic touch into the reports. Besides, customized dashboards offer each client personalized experiences.  

Dozens of report templates and drag-and-drop report builders facilitate your work, eliminating the manual work to the minimum. The tool has more than 60 marketing integrations including Twitter Analytics or Shopify reports, allowing users to switch between platforms through an easy-to-use and simple interface. 


Source: Whatagraph

Whatagraph is one of the trusted reporting tools many social media marketers choose. You may monitor your campaign performance across various social networks and channels.

Customizable and ready-to-use templates reduce the time spent on preparing the reports. The tool allows users to work on a report simultaneously, enabling teamwork. You may also connect with more than 40 applications and programs to collect data. That allows you to make the best decisions backed by facts and results.

When 33social wanted to track their performance on different channels than Google, they started to use Whatagraph. In addition to cross-channel analytics, Whatagraph provides many advantages for the company. In the Founder and President of 33social’s words: 

“Whatagraph allows us to look at the top posts for various periods, allowing us to get a sense of what is resonating with viewers at that time.”


Source: DashThis

Track, collect and analyze your social data from multiple networks easily with DashThis! The comprehensive social media reporting tool helps social media marketers create reports to better understand how their social media efforts impact the business. A good social media marketing strategy consists of engagement metrics, impressions, clicks, reach, followers and much more. Although each KPI differs from client to client, there are metrics that need to be reported. DashThis gathers all these social media metrics you need together in one place such as campaign performance, audience insights, demographics etc.

DashThis provides customization ability for your clients. You can add your client logo, make comments, build graphs, and merge their data into a single widget. If you don’t want to create reports from scratch, it provides preset templates and widgets with the same customization ability.

Track your clients’ social media performance, see which of their campaigns are going well, measure their target engagement and combine all their social data in one dashboard easily with DashThis!

Measure Studio

Source: Measure Studio

Measure Studio is an all-one social content analytics tool that promises to leverage your business within short periods. Detailed data and clever insights allow you to improve your content strategy.

With Measure Studio, you can manage all your social channels from one place. Identify your breakthrough posts and focus on delivering more of them. Also, you can define your underperforming posts too, thanks to Measure Studio. The program enables users to make groupings and comparisons between different posts.

Measure Studio offers services for many respectable clients such as BBC or Thrillist. Moreover, the tool does not require any setup or configuration time since it is available on every device with a web browser. To check out the features and see for yourself, try the 14-day free trial.


Source: Agorapulse

Agorapulse is one the best social media reporting tools with the industry’s #1 rated customer support. They will lead your social media efforts most profitably. 

Let’s explore the strategy Agorapulse has. First, they figure out which content performs the best on which platforms and times. They also track the newest trends and team performances. User behavior data allows the tool to provide marketing agencies with content marketing ideas that will best fit their objectives.

The mobile app is compatible with IOS and Android devices and accessible wherever. Moreover, all of their plans include community management reports that enable tracking of different teams’ activities. That means you can monitor your workers’ performance based on inbox activity or response time. 


Source: Iconosquare

Iconosquare is an excellent social media reporting tool that helps you make data-driven marketing decisions. This program saves you time, money, and effort at the same time.

The tool provides advanced analytics of posts and campaigns with various metrics such as follower evolution, average engagement rate per post, impressions history, and more. These metrics show how you can develop your social media marketing strategy for the better.

There are four types of automated reporting Iconosquare offers. You may get reports on your social channels, competitors’ activity, hashtags, and trends. Finally, you may receive custom reports and create your own dashboard. Their talent is evident: prestigious global brands including Loreal, IKEA, H&M, and National Geographic choose to use Iconosquare.


Source: Improvado

Improvado is one of the best social media reporting tools for marketing agencies. You can centralize all your data in one place with more than 200 connectors.

Improvado has more than 300 integrations including Google Analytics and all leading social networks. These different tools also enable you to build and visualize custom reports. That makes the report easier to follow and understand. They also offer many data warehouses options where you can store your data securely. 

Let’s see them in action. ASUS is a global brand that causes them to face many challenges when it comes to tracking. With their help, ASUS had the ability and capacity to transfer from manual data accumulation to thorough analysis. This way, they achieved saving 80-100 hours/ week of IT resources and 30% of marketing resources annually.

Looking at their portfolio, skills, and features, we’ve combined a list of the best social media reporting tools for marketing agencies. Each of the tools offers different plans that can match your needs and budget. 

The decision is up to you. Yet, we are glad to help you find a suitable tool for your marketing agency. 

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