
Best Customer Survey Tools to Get Valuable Feedback

The game-changing benefits of digital marketing are based on the ability to gather and analyze a wealth of information. But the key to a successful business is keeping customers happy. In order to gauge their contentment, customer feedback is an essential part of the equation.

To initiate effective communication, you need to offer the target audience channels through which they can voice their opinions. 

People love to be heard, and the fact that you are giving a considerable amount of importance to what they have to say only makes them feel more valued. And one of the best ways to do that is through website feedback.

Website feedback tools collect direct feedback from your customers and visitors about their customer journey. Customer survey tools are placed at the top of the most common feedback gathering tools as they are extremely convenient.

Why do I need to invest in customer survey tools?

Surveys are basically a method of gathering information from a sample of people that helps to generalize the results of a larger population. Online customer survey questions are one of the most popular and cost-effective methods of conducting research. 

As a critical source of data and insights, they are a great way to gauge customer satisfaction. Not only do customer surveys provide essential feedback about your product or services, but they also offer valuable information on how you can tweak your digital marketing campaign.

Brands invest in customer survey software for a variety of reasons. Here are just a few of them:

1. People prefer them

Since online surveys can be anonymous and don’t often ask personal details, respondents are more willing to provide honest feedback. Thus answers are more forthright and valuable.

2. They’re user-friendly

Most online surveys are short and objective, making them more attractive than lengthy questionnaires. Whether the inquiry is directed at the general audience, employees, or other businesses, the easy-to-use format makes them a preferred platform for feedback.

3. Can be customized

With the variety of survey tools available, designing and styling surveys couldn’t be easier. And due to this, there’s a lot of flexibility that businesses can use to tailor questions that will align with the target audience.

4. They are more accurate

Responses from online surveys are transferred to an online database without the need for human manual intervention. So the chances of human error are nonexistent.

5. Streamlines data collection and analysis

Surveys allow brands to reach and engage with the target audience. Gaining insights about them is crucial for increasing customer loyalty. Because everything is done online, the entire process of collecting and analyzing data is faster. Moreover, automation is helping to push boundaries even further.

6. Promotes user acquisition

Businesses can quickly look at feedback, identify key problems, and devise solutions. Surveys can enhance user acquisition techniques, which is very important for startups. 

Best 5 Customer Survey Tools 

Surveys cost time and money, so you want to gain the most out of them. To acquire quality data, you will need to plan the questions, distribution model, and the survey tool that is most suitable for you. Here are the best 5 customer tools to get valuable feedback.

1. HubSpot Forms

This comprehensive customer satisfaction survey tool helps businesses track and improve customer experience over time. Customer feedback is observed in a single dashboard so team members can monitor changes in customer satisfaction.


More importantly, you can customize the appearance of your survey and choose the most appropriate delivery method to increase response rates. But now you can also further the management of customer relationships.

HubSpot CRM is free, and HubSpot’s native forms tool is available in HubSpot CRM Free. Subscription rates start with Starter Tier, which is $50/month. But depending on the additional HubSpot services you require, prices will vary.

2. Typeform

As a renowned name in the survey creation industry, it offers a unique platform where you can design a killer survey to align with your audience. The interface is extremely user-friendly, offering a variety of features, such as custom-designed themes, templates, reporting options, etc.


Typeform helps gather information, streamlines internal team communication, captures leads, and much more. Used by the likes of Nike, Airbnb, and Apple Inc., there’s really nothing more to say about how good it is. 

Typeform has several versions suitable for your needs, ranging from a free one and paid packages starting from $35/month and upwards.

3. Jotform Survey Maker

JotForm is a no-code platform that allows you to create fully customized, professional, and modern forms for your company at any scale. As a platform, Jotform has over 9 million users and counting and a collection of form templates with 10,000+ ready-to-use options for various industries.

jotform survey maker

With JotForm’s online form builder, you can create forms in minutes based on the available form design templates, you can also customize it as per your needs.

You are not just limited to use JotForm for creating forms only; JotForm is also an excellent free survey maker so you can also use it to collect survey data from your customers.

4. SurveyMonkey

Launch your online survey with SurveyMonkey, whether it’s for market research, competitive analysis, customer/employee feedback, etc. Not only does it allow businesses to gather real-time results by reaching out to millions of respondents, but surveys can be customized to suit a specific target audience.

It’s user-friendly and flexible, making it a perfect tool to use. So if you are in search of a tool that can help create a survey within minutes, SurveyMonkey is the solution. Vitac Corporation, National Council on Aging, and American Well Corporation, among others, have used it.

While the basic plan is free, other pricing plans start from $37/month and upwards.

5. SoGoSurvey

SoGoSurvey is an all-in-one platform, offering businesses the opportunity to design surveys, choose distribution channels, and analyze the results. It seamlessly automates everything with a degree of ease and sophistication. Moreover, 24/7 customer support is available.

SoGoSurvey has been developed for a range of industries, from enterprises to financial services to government organizations. And with its expansive features, it’s hard to overlook.

Though there is a free version, customers can easily upgrade to acquire numerous services. Rates vary depending upon which plans are chosen. 

6. SurveyGizmo 

This tool makes the most out of feedback. Now you can collect valuable information from any source and integrate it effortlessly into the core business applications. Moreover, feedback and insights can be shared across various departments in the organization, from collection to analysis to action.

There is a free version of SurveyGizmo. But the starting price for other plans is $25.00/month/user and upwards.

How can you get the maximum benefit from customer survey tools?

The goal of surveys is to improve employee engagement and customer satisfaction. And you need to be thorough with survey research and analytics. But whether you choose to employ the services of a customer survey company or design one using any of the tools mentioned above, remember that the best survey is only as good as its design.

Basic steps include:

1. Define the goals

Defining the purpose of the survey from the get-go makes the entire process worthwhile. Every member of the team is on the same page. Consider the following:

  • Determine the problem or objective.
  • State precisely what you expect to gain from the survey.
  • What kinds of reports or data do will be needed?
  • List the questions that need to be asked.

2. Identify the target audience

The type of questions that you intend to ask depends on who is at the receiving end. Are they consumers, loyal customers, employees, or other businesses? 

  • Who is your intended audience or population?
  • How are you going to access the target audience?
  • What metrics will be measured?
  • What’s the best way to reach them: social media, email, your website, etc.?

3. Create a sample group

Since a survey is presented to a sample in order to derive characteristics of the total population, you need to select a representative group. Start off by determining the size of your sample group.

You need valid, reliable, credible data. Cross-check email addresses against mailing addresses to avoid collecting responses from the same household.

4. Design and test before sending

To test the clarity and design of your survey, send it to a small group before widespread distribution. Check to see whether respondents are interpreting questions differently.

5. Analyze the results

Collect data and acquire actionable insights. This is an essential step to planning improvements, launching a new product, or any other project. 

Tap into the potential with customer survey tools

Here are a few customer survey best practices to maximize your efforts and optimize the results:

1. Design a survey relevant to your brand

Every aspect of your brand should complement the overall image, and a survey is no exception. Therefore, if you decide to have it done through customer survey companies, ensure that it correlates with the company’s branding.

2. Select a suitable survey type 

While text-entry questions are the most reliable, they often lead to respondent fatigue. So select a type that is the best for your target audience. Options include multiple-choice questions, multi-select, ranking order, drop-down menu, text-entry, etc.

3. Ask the right questions

Write questions that are direct and mutually exclusive. Consider the following guidelines:

  • Each question should be focused on a single issue.
  • Questions should be brief.
  • Clearly state the questions.
  • Don’t lead respondents towards an answer.
  • Avoid overstating a condition.

4. Don’t ask personal or repetitive info 

Avoid survey fatigue. Make the surveys as straightforward as possible. Keep in mind that the respondents are willingly offering their time to respond to your survey.

5. Check the quality of the survey design

The first person to answer a survey should be yourself. Double-check to see if there are no errors. In fact, consider taking it on numerous devices to ensure that it operates properly.

6. Select the appropriate distribution channel

Depending upon your target audience, plan on distributing on platforms where your respondents typically interact, such as your website, on social media, through email, etc. And because different segments of the audience have different preferences, you may need to utilize more than one channel.

7. Know how to use the results

Surveys can help you gather vast amounts of information. But this alone cannot help resolve any issues. Knowing how to interpret the data and implement the results in your future campaigns is the next step forward.

Final thoughts

No matter what your niche or brand is, you will always find a group of people actively interested. With the aid of surveys, you have the data to make a difference.

As a fast and affordable way to reach and effectively engage with the audience, you have the opportunity to revolutionize your business. It’s time to gather valuable feedback.
