
Hybrid Working & Digital Marketing: How Flexibility Produces More Effective Service

The freedom to work wherever you want is one of the biggest benefits that remote working offers. But it is not just about location, it is also about experiences and expertise that remote teams bring to the table.

Embracing a hybrid arrangement for your business can allow you to optimize your marketing spending the right way. From performance-based marketing to faster campaign turnarounds, The Good Marketer listed a few benefits that a hybrid digital marketing agency can offer your business.

Working Hybrid Promotes Better Work-Life Balance and Creativity

After COVID outbreak working hybrid offers more than just a break from isolation. It offers flexibility and freedom that can help your marketers build a better work-life balance in your career.

In fact, flexible schedules have been shown to improve employee performance. By allowing people to have more control over how and when they work, you can ensure your marketers remain happy and productive – two factors that contribute significantly to creative campaigns.

That being said, simply working in a hybrid arrangement won’t automatically affect the quality of your campaigns. The key to successful hybrid digital marketing is the ability to work toward a common goal while maintaining creative freedom. This way employees can achieve their goals on time through communication and collaboration.

The Flexible Schedule Encourages Faster Turnaround of Campaigns

Your in-house marketing team will only work on a fixed schedule, which can be restricting and may not guarantee the best results. Hybrid teams, on the other hand, working from different locations can pool their time and extend their hours based on your requirements. For instance, if you need to run a campaign within the next three days, a hybrid team will be able to come up with something meaningful in a significantly shorter period.

Because they aren’t tied to a specific schedule, they will also be more flexible to adjust their work timing to accommodate your requirements, making it a favorable arrangement for you.

But that’s not all!

Trying to work your way through all aspects of digital marketing yourself can lead to burnout and prevent you from focusing on the more important aspects of your business – such as implementing new ideas and scaling it.

By outsourcing digital marketing, you can save time and money and take advantage of a hybrid working schedule – wherein your team will be connected with the agency via a dedicated project manager. As a result, when you aren’t bogged down with repetitive work, you will have more time to focus on strategic tasks like product development, research, and planning.

You Get Better Access to Global Talent

Working with a hybrid marketing agency gives you access to the global talent pool because you don’t have to worry about being located close to an office for people to work for you.

In fact, location doesn’t matter when it comes to remote work. This can be particularly useful for smaller businesses that want to grow but don’t have the resources to hire everyone in one place.

It also means that your company doesn’t have to make big investments in employee compensation to get your hands on people who you think deserve to work with your organization. Better yet, you can invest that money in your product or service instead of office spaces.

More importantly, your in-house team may not necessarily possess the experience and expertise that a remote agency, which has worked with clients from across the globe, possesses. Since successful marketing heavily depends on your marketer’s experience, you can greatly benefit from a hybrid digital marketing agency.

Hybrid Digital Marketers Are Cheaper than a Team of In-House Strategists

Hybrid working is enabling countless businesses to slash their marketing spending while increasing their ROI. Now more than ever, companies are realizing that they don’t need to hire a full-time in-house marketing team to succeed. Instead, they can opt for the services of a team of hybrid digital marketers that can carry out the same tasks as an in-house team at a fraction of the cost.

A full-time in-house marketer will typically cost you at least £50,000 per year, but outsourcing to an agency starts at £800 per month, which is perfect for a small business.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about paying for a resource even when they aren’t working. You can actually hire a hybrid marketing agency for a specific project and pause or terminate your plan as soon as your contract is over – no questions asked. 

This provides you with the ability to pay for the performance – not the presence – which ultimately lets you have a tighter hold over your bottom line.

You Benefit from Differences in Perspectives

The digital world is international by its very nature, so it isn’t surprising that we are seeing more emphasis on combining remote and on-premise teams.

The beauty of hybrid working is that it allows a business to take advantage of both local and global perspectives. The benefit comes from the differences in perspectives between dispersed team members and those who are more familiar with on-site realities.

Hailing from the client-side, hybrid digital marketers brings a totally different approach to their work, one which focuses primarily on providing solutions to business problems through a combination of modern digital channels and tried-and-tested offline methods.

This also means that if you need a fresh set of eyes for your campaign, a hybrid team is perfectly positioned to offer that to you.
