
Best Facebook Ad Campaigns Of 2022

Facebook stands head and shoulders above all other social media sites. It has the biggest reach and the largest number of active users. No business should be without a Facebook page in 2022. So, keep reading to discover the best Facebook ad campaigns of the year!

In 2021, the platform announced it would start pushing towards its originally intended use – social interaction. That means it’s a little harder now for some businesses to have a successful advertising campaign on the platform.

Best Facebook Ad Campaigns Of 2022

If you’re wondering how to set up a Facebook campaign, look at these examples of what works in 2022. It just takes some inventive thinking and pro tips.

Slack Mobile Connectivity

Slack is one of many collaboration and discussion tools on the web today. Variations on it have existed since the beginning of the internet but none have taken off quite as well as Slack.

Proving that communication remains at the heart of the internet, Slack has taken control of the narrative about communication and cloud technology. Slack also demonstrated its understanding of the need for short and punchy advertisements in a competitive Facebook ads marketplace.

Earlier in 2019, Slack created one of the best Facebook ad campaigns of the year. The fantastic ad campaign ticked all the right boxes on how to do so successfully. Short and to the point, the text listed all the benefits of Slack introduced with a direct headline: “Slack, Stay in the Loop From Anywhere” for its mobile campaign.

PayPal Here Card Reader

The international payment platform keeps going from strength to strength. Advertising its new card reader to ecommerce businesses, PayPal struck gold with a simple message.

Facebook advertising isn’t just about the message and keywords in the text. Sometimes, a message succeeds because it’s aimed at the right people and utilising striking visuals.

PayPal’s message in its successful PayPal Here campaign this year: No setup costs or monthly fees. That was all they needed to boost their ad to ecommerce businesses looking at alternative, cheaper and faster ways of accepting payments from customers, along with several other alternative payment platforms like Square and Transferwise, PayPal now offers cards. Business Cards

The western world is undergoing the fastest and largest ever period of establishment of small businesses. That means advertising, social media campaigns, and good old-fashioned business cards. is one of the world’s most identifiable brands for B2B printed products. Their mainstay is, of course, business cards. But what can you say about these small printed cards that have not already been said?

This is another Facebook ad campaign of 2019, which deserves to be on the list. Because it’s difficult to make business cards interesting, went with simplicity. Yet still, their simple add presented the luxury of their product. A red background (amusingly including some chillies) and a stack of cards.’s follow-up ads are just as simple and striking.


Airbnb – the 6-Second Wonder Video

Facebook began aggressively pursuing video content last year. Now, it’s challenging traditional video platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo and providing alternative space for Instagram users.

The great thing about Facebook Watch is that it’s suitable for both longer-form videos (like YouTube) and the short video snippets (like Instagram).

Airbnb realised this with their recent campaign. Not that Airbnb needs to spend a lot of effort on outreach, they are certainly giving customers what they want. Reacting to customer needs is what the company does best.

That’s why their video at just 6-seconds long and aimed at property owners went viral earlier this year – it generated interest. The average time ads have to grab the attention is now just 8 seconds. They have also produced longer videos, for more in-depth information.

A PayPal rival, Square is a complete ecommerce payment solution that also offers websites designed for that purpose. Yet their advertising takes an altogether different approach. Rather than keeping all the information in a short and punchy single frame ad, in 2019 they have tended towards creating carousels.

Videos grab the attention and although an image carousel is not actually video content, it achieves the same purpose but with greater brevity. Each image in a Square carousel highlights a different feature of Square, but it is the first slide that is the clincher – Get Your Free Square Reader. Any viewer interested in the product is then compelled to see the remaining slides.

Adobe Stock

Good written copy is no longer a guaranteed return on Facebook in an age of Instagram. That’s why Adobe Stock dispensed with it all together early this year on the platform. A wise move considering Adobe Stock is a service for stock photos and graphics.

The audience is interested solely in the images, so they preferred to let their services do the talking. Visit the Adobe Stock Facebook page and you’ll see very few of their posts contain text. Customers who know what they want will go there and be taken in by the quality and appropriateness or relevance of the image.

They are largely unconcerned with what the site has to say about the image. A picture is worth a thousand words. That philosophy has worked well for Adobe in 2019.

Hopefully, you liked this list of the best ad campaigns of 2022. Which one is your favorite? Please let us know in the comments! You can also check our best Facebook advertising agencies directories if you’re looking for a one.
