
SmashingConf San Francisco Online 2020

SmashingConf San Francisco 2020 will take place on 10-11 November.

SmashingConf SF 2020 is bringing back two full days packed with front-end, UX and all that jazz! Live sessions on performance, accessibility, interface design, copywriting, designing for emotion, debugging and fancy CSS/JS techniques — and a few surprises along the way.

Conference sessions are one thing, but full-day hands-on workshops are an entirely different beast. On the day before and on the day after the conference, you can dive deep into your topic of interest: be it UX Design Patterns, Accessibility or CSS Layout.

Check out this video to find out more about SmashingConf:

SmashingConf is a friendly, inclusive event which is focused on real-world problems and solutions. 2 days, 1 track, 14 speakers, 300–400 attendees and a bunch of hands-on workshops.

Their speakers rarely show slides: they show how they work — their setup, techniques and shortcuts for getting work done in live interactive sessions. So expect everything from refactoring and debugging to sketching and redesign, live.

SmashingConf is focused on front-end and UX, but it covers everything web, be it interface design or machine learning. That means a packed bundle of diverse, actionable insights for your work.

Don’t miss this great event and visit the SmashingConf San Francisco 2020 website to register!

This event is organized by Smashing Magazine
on 10-11 November.