
Boosting Lead Generation: How South East Enforcement Increased Submissions by 40%

In today’s digital landscape, generating qualified leads online is essential for businesses across industries. South East Enforcement, a reputable London-based bailiff and enforcement agency, recognised the importance of optimising its online presence to attract and convert potential clients. Specialising in commercial rent recovery, lease forfeitures, evictions, and security services, they sought to strengthen their lead generation efforts and better serve landlords and businesses facing property possession challenges.

In 2023, South East Enforcement partnered with Mr Digital to revamp their website and significantly boost lead generation. This case study delves into the strategic digital enhancements implemented by Mr Digital, which led to a remarkable 40% increase in contact form submissions and positioned South East Enforcement as a leader in their sector.

Understanding the Challenge

Despite South East Enforcement’s strong industry reputation and comprehensive range of services, their website was not performing at its full potential in terms of lead generation. The contact forms, a crucial tool for converting website visitors into clients, were underutilised, leading to a lower-than-expected number of inquiries. This posed a significant challenge, as effective lead generation is critical for maintaining and growing their client base in a competitive market.

South East Enforcement needed a solution that would not only increase the visibility and usability of their contact forms but also enhance the overall user experience on their website.

The challenge was clear: transform their digital approach to convert more visitors into qualified leads, without compromising the professionalism and reliability that their clients expect.

Why South East Enforcement Chose Mr Digital

South East Enforcement selected Mr Digital as their digital partner due to our demonstrated success in elevating online lead generation and our holistic approach to digital marketing. Here’s why our solutions stood out as the ideal choice for South East Enforcement:

Proven Expertise: With a solid track record of helping businesses enhance their digital presence, Mr Digital has consistently delivered impressive results. Our portfolio of successful projects and positive client feedback underscores our ability to drive meaningful improvements in online performance.

Customised Strategies: We recognise that every business has its unique challenges and objectives. Our approach is rooted in creating bespoke digital marketing strategies that align perfectly with our client’s specific needs. For South East Enforcement, this meant developing a tailored plan that resonated with their target audience and addressed their lead generation challenges head-on.

Industry-Leading Tools and Expertise: Our team of experienced digital marketing professionals stays at the forefront of industry trends and leverages cutting-edge tools to optimise performance. By utilising advanced analytics and SEO platforms like Google Analytics and Ahrefs, we ensure that our strategies are data-driven and results-oriented.

Comprehensive Digital Approach: Our all-encompassing methodology covers every aspect of digital marketing, from initial research and strategy development to execution, optimisation, and growth. This comprehensive approach ensures that our clients experience sustained success and continuous improvement in their digital efforts.

Results-Driven Commitment: At Mr Digital, we are dedicated to delivering not just results, but exceptional outcomes that exceed our clients’ expectations. Our focus on achieving significant returns on investment and our unwavering commitment to client success makes us a trusted partner in driving digital growth.

South East Enforcement recognised that our expertise, personalised strategies, and comprehensive approach were exactly what they needed to overcome their digital challenges and achieve significant growth in their online lead generation.

How We Used the Infinity-5 Framework to Help Our Client

At Mr Digital, our proprietary Infinity-5 Framework is the cornerstone of our approach, ensuring that every aspect of a digital marketing strategy is meticulously planned, executed, and optimised for maximum impact. For South East Enforcement, this framework was instrumental in transforming their lead generation efforts and achieving a remarkable 40% increase in contact form submissions.

1. Research & Plan

Our journey with South East Enforcement began with an in-depth understanding of their brand, target audience, and the specific challenges they faced in lead generation.

We conducted a comprehensive analysis of their current online presence, benchmarked their performance against industry competitors, and clearly defined their objectives. This research laid the foundation for a tailored digital marketing plan focused on optimising contact forms, enhancing user experience, and building trust through strategic placement of testimonials and trust signals.

2. Track & Measure

Precision is key in digital marketing, and our second step involved setting up robust tracking and measurement systems. Using tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs, we monitored user interactions with the contact forms on South East Enforcement’s website.

We paid close attention to metrics such as form submission rates, bounce rates, and page load times. By establishing clear performance goals from the outset, we were able to assess the effectiveness of our strategies in real time and make data-driven decisions that aligned with South East Enforcement’s objectives.

3. Execute

With a solid plan in place and tracking mechanisms activated, we moved to the execution phase. Our team implemented a series of targeted optimisations on South East Enforcement’s website. We strategically placed contact forms on key pages, including the homepage and main service pages, to ensure maximum visibility.

We also simplified the forms by reducing the number of required fields, making it easier and faster for users to complete them. Additionally, testimonials and trust signals were prominently displayed near the forms to enhance credibility and encourage potential clients to take action.

4. Optimise

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so is our approach. Throughout the campaign, we continuously optimised the contact forms based on real-time data. We conducted A/B testing on various elements, such as form layout, button colours, and messaging, to identify the most effective combinations. We also improved page load speeds on form-heavy pages, which significantly reduced bounce rates and kept users engaged. This relentless focus on optimisation ensured that we maximised the impact of every form submission opportunity.

5. Scale

As we began to see positive results, we didn’t stop there. We scaled up the strategies that were driving the most success. This involved expanding our efforts to additional pages, further refining form elements, and exploring new digital tactics to increase lead generation.

By leveraging the full potential of our Infinity-5 Framework, we were able to not only meet but exceed South East Enforcement’s expectations, driving substantial growth in their lead acquisition process.

The Results: A Remarkable Transformation

Through our strategic optimisations and the application of the Infinity-5 Framework, South East Enforcement experienced a significant 40% increase in contact form submissions. This surge in leads not only boosted their client acquisition but also enhanced user engagement across their website. By streamlining the contact forms, improving page load speeds, and strategically placing trust signals, we created a more seamless and trustworthy user experience.

The success of these efforts has positioned South East Enforcement for sustained growth, with a solid foundation to continue scaling its digital presence and converting more visitors into qualified leads. This partnership exemplifies the power of targeted digital strategies in driving tangible business results.

About Mr. Digital

Mr Digital helps SMEs generate real ROI using data-driven digital marketing services. Book a free strategy session today!