

Verified Agency

Recruit, Onboard, Manage, and Continuously Improve the skills of their workforce using AI.

Asia HQ: New Delhi
11-50 Employees


At Realcoderz, we believe great teams are behind the success of every enterprise. Our Innovative Talent and HR Solutions are built using proven practices of creating and managing talent pipelines for fortune 100 companies and top consulting firms and our team’s over 50 years of technology and product leadership experience in leading firms.

Realcoderz’s Talent Platform is an innovative software tool designed to increase the productivity of technology teams and improve engagement and retention of top talent. It provides a comprehensive solution to manage talent and skills in the unique and expensive technology environment. The platform offers complete visibility into talent and skills, enabling organizations to align their teams based on skills for better success, identify skill gaps, and implement a consistent framework to manage skills and proficiencies. Additionally, it allows leaders to upskill their teams to increase productivity, manage technology changes with confidence, and deliver top priorities by aligning top-skilled talent with the organization’s objectives.

Realcoderz’s HCM Software is a comprehensive HR management software that leverages AI to streamline HR processes and reduce the workload of HR professionals. It supports the entire employee lifecycle and includes features like recruiting top talent, seamless onboarding, smart attendance management, employee engagement, performance management, time and leave management, and compensation management.

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