Pixel Pioneers Bristol 2024
Pixel Pioneers Bristol 2024, organised by Pixel Pioneers, will take place on 14th July in Bristol.
An affordable one-day conference of practical and inspiring front-end and UX/UI design talks, featuring eight world-class speakers. Call for speakers.
Apply for a diversity scholarship.
Pixel Pioneers Bristol takes place right at the harbourside in the heart of the city. We’ve put together a little guide to our venues, places to stay and eat, and other great things to see in Bristol.
Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol BS1 4RN, UK
The M Shed, a former 1950s transit shed, is a cultural landmark and now museum telling the story of the city and its unique place in the world. Bristol Temple Meads train station is only a short walk away, and there are also two small carparks nearby.