Social Media Marketing Agency Services List: 2024 Trends Included

How do you describe a social media agency? Is it a team that manages social media accounts? A strategic partner that helps businesses navigate the digital landscape? Or a helping hand in executing tailored strategies across various platforms? Actually, all of these and more. 

There is no need to say that social media agencies have become an essential component of modern marketing strategies across the globe. Imagine a social media marketing company in the USA—it is simply a part of a thriving industry where over 91% of American businesses have integrated social media into their marketing strategies. And, that’s big. 

Being a part of that giant group and standing out demands a strategic approach powered by the latest trends and expert services. As we move into 2024, social media marketing agencies are redefining their offerings to help brands navigate this dynamic environment with precision and impact. 

Join us as we explore a comprehensive list of social media marketing agency services shaping the industry, ensuring your brand keeps up and leads the way.

What Services Are Included in Social Media Marketing?

Businesses (&brands) everywhere are realizing deeper and deeper each day the power of social media to connect with their audiences. And, no doubt, they’re hungry for experts who can guide them and looking for agencies that can do it all—strategy, content creation, analytics, and more. In other words, this is your chance to step in and offer exactly what they need. 

Before discovering how to set up your agency as a one-stop shop, you may want to check out our social media agency pricing blog.

Now, let’s start. 

Platform-Specific Social Media Services

  • Competitor Analysis and Strategy Development
  • Account Creation and Branding
  • Content Creation and Sharing 
  • Social Media Advertising Services
  • Community and Response Management
  • Influencer Marketing 

Channel-Specific Social Media Services

  • Google Ads and PPC Management
  • Email Marketing Services

Design & Creative Services

  • Video Photography and Production
  • Social Media Concept Design 
  • Social Media Collateral

Platform-Specific Social Media Services

Competitor Analysis and Strategy Development

Even though we do not often hear about them, some services are crucial to the success of a social media marketing campaign – like competitor analysis and development. 

As you already know, competitor analysis as a social media service includes examining what platforms rival companies & brands are active on, the type of content they share, how they engage with their audience, and the results they’re achieving. The insights gained from this analysis help in identifying opportunities and gaps in the client’s own social media efforts.

Based on the findings from the competitor analysis and an understanding of the client’s goals, agencies develop a tailored social media strategy. This strategy outlines the target audience, content themes, posting schedules, and the overall approach for building brand awareness, engagement, and conversion on social platforms.


 Account Creation and Branding 

Even though many think that account creation and branding are practices that can be done internally, it’s clear that social media marketing agencies bring expertise, experience, and a strategic approach to that service. 

As marketers already know, social media platforms each have their own best practices, audience behaviors, and technical requirements. Agencies are well-versed in these nuances, ensuring that accounts are set up optimally; choosing the right usernames and handles to configuring settings that enhance visibility and security.

On the other hand, creating a cohesive brand presence across multiple social media channels can be challenging in cases where thousands of businesses have an online presence. Agencies excel at developing and maintaining consistent visual and messaging strategies that align with a company’s overall brand identity. This consistency is crucial for building brand recognition and trust among audiences.

Content Creation and Sharing 

Content creation and sharing are the most well-known service provided by a social media agency. Even though people start to think that the content creation process is a “picnic” with the help of AI, we want to remind you that, in case you’re about to establish an agency or work with one of those, pay attention to that service. Why? Let Nicole Lee answer to that question:

AI will continue to influence the future of content, but not so much that it will replace great expert writers or content strategists. AI will always be a few steps behind in identifying what strikes a chord with human readers. However, it will continue to be a big help. As AI progresses, information will become more accurate and speed up the research process for content creation.

As a social media agency service, content creation and sharing entail producing assets that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also consistent with the goals and voice of the brand. Tailored content, of course, stays updated on social media algorithms and helps brands maximize reach and engagement.

Social Media Advertising Services

The social media advertising world is greater than you think— its users worldwide have swelled to a record 4.9 billion people. That makes the related advertising services more crucial for digital agencies. 

Similarly, for marketers planning to establish a social media agency, understanding the full scope of social media advertising services is crucial. 

  • Platform-specific campaigns: Tailored advertising strategies for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest. As widely known, each media platform requires a unique approach, considering its audience demographics, ad formats, and content styles.
  • Target audience research and segmentation: Thorough examination of target audiences’ characteristics, including their interests, behaviors, and shopping patterns. This research helps in creating highly targeted ads that resonate with specific audience segments.
  • Ad creative development: Creation of engaging ad social media posts, including visuals, videos, and copywriting. This service ensures that ads are eye-catching and align with the brand’s messaging and goals.
  • Ad campaign management: On-going monitoring, optimization, and management of social media ad campaigns. This includes adjusting targeting, bidding strategies, and creative elements to improve performance and ROI.
  • A/B Testing: Running tests with different social media ad variations to determine the most effective creative, messaging, and targeting strategies. This helps in refining campaigns to achieve better results.
  • Analytics and reporting: Providing detailed reports on campaign performance, including metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. These insights are crucial for understanding what works and what needs improvement.
  • Retargeting and remarketing: It refers to strategies to re-engage users who have previously interacted with the brand but haven’t converted. This service leverages data from user interactions to deliver personalized ads that encourage conversions.
  • Budget management for each platform: Advising on and managing ad budgets to maximize return on investment. This involves allocating funds across different platforms and campaigns based on performance data and business goals.
  • Influencer marketing integration: Collaborating with influencers to amplify social media ad campaigns. This can include sponsored posts, stories, or full campaigns featuring influencers who align with the brand’s target audience.
  • Compliance and best practices: Ensuring all ads comply with platform-specific guidelines and best practices to avoid issues like ad disapproval or account suspension in the worst-case scenario.

Community and Response Management

Nowadays, a brand’s reputation is “significantly” influenced by how well it engages with its online audience. That’s why community and response management are quite important services that social media agencies offer. 

This service includes real-time monitoring of social media platforms to track comments, messages, mentions, and other interactions. By staying on top of these engagements, brands & businesses can ensure that they address issues, answer questions, and respond to feedback promptly. Additionally, when challenges arise, effective crisis management can mitigate potential damage by swiftly addressing negative comments or situations, thereby protecting the brand’s reputation.

Influencer Marketing 

Executing a successful influencer marketing strategy requires more than just selecting popular personalities; it demands a deep understanding of the market, careful planning, and expert execution. This is where professional social media agencies come in. 

Professional agencies excel in managing the complexities of influencer relationships. From negotiating contracts and ensuring compliance with advertising regulations to coordinating content creation and distribution, an agency handles all the logistical and strategic elements of an influencer campaign. This guarantees that campaigns are carried out efficiently and expertly while also saving brands time and money. Additionally, agencies bring experience in measuring and analyzing the performance of influencer campaigns, providing brands with valuable insights into ROI and opportunities for optimization.

Channel-Specific Social Media Services

Google Ads and PPC Management

Google Ads and PPC management services cover a range of tasks and strategies to ensure that brands achieve their advertising goals and maximize return on investment. 

A professional social media marketing agency first identifies the right keywords and audience and sets campaign goals. After the campaign strategy and planning era, the agency crafts compelling ad copy, selects the right ad formats, and designs creative visuals, all part of this service. This involves A/B testing different ad variations to determine the most effective combinations of headlines, descriptions, and visuals.

Like the social media ad management process, effective Google ad management requires continuous monitoring and adjustment of bids to ensure the brand gets the most value out of its advertising budget. Agencies use sophisticated tools and algorithms to optimize bids in real-time, ensuring ads appear in top positions without overspending. 

To complement ad campaigns, agencies often provide landing page optimization services. This involves creating or refining landing pages to ensure they are aligned with the ad’s message and designed to convert visitors into customers. 

Email Marketing Services

While email marketing is not traditionally considered a core service of social media agencies, many full-service digital marketing agencies or agencies that focus on integrated marketing strategies do offer email marketing as part of their service offerings. The reason is that email marketing and social media marketing often complement each other, and offering both allows agencies to provide more comprehensive marketing solutions to their clients.

So, social media agencies may use email marketing in conjunction with social media campaigns to create cohesive, cross-channel marketing strategies in addition to lead nurturing

As you already know, for clients looking to nurture leads over time, email marketing can be an extension of social media efforts. Agencies can create a seamless experience where leads captured on social media are nurtured through targeted email sequences.

Design & Creative Services

Video Photography and Production

Many social media agencies do offer videography and production services as part of their overall package. As widely known, video content is a powerful tool for engagement on social media platforms. So successful is video content, 85% of marketers plan to maintain or increase spending on video in 2024.

Video content is often a central component of social media campaigns. With in-house video production for social media, agencies can ensure that the video content they create is optimized for specific platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or Facebook, in terms of format, length, and style. Beyond shooting the video, agencies often handle all aspects of editing and post-production, including color correction, sound design, special effects, and adding graphics or animations. This ensures that the final product is polished and aligns with the brand’s visual identity.

On the other hand, photography, video, animation production, and more can be seen as essential parts of a social media agency. However, we also know that, like in every aspect of the globe, in the USA, many people tend to establish a video production company. Via a quick search, you can find hundreds of tutorials like the following one:

So, working with them as a social media agency owner is also a good call. 

Social Media Concept Design 

Social media concept design is another key service offered by social media agencies, focusing on the creative and strategic aspects of how a brand presents itself across social platforms. This service involves developing the visual and thematic concepts that guide all social media content, ensuring consistency and alignment with the brand’s identity and goals.

As marketers already know, concept design in social media ensures that all visual elements, from color schemes to typography, align with the brand’s overall identity. That, of course, helps businesses build consistency around the brand, like we do in our social media accounts:

Social Media Concept Design 

In addition to static images, agencies can also focus on designing interactive content, such as polls, quizzes, and interactive stories, that engages users and encourage participation. This type of content is tailored to the brand’s concept and designed to boost engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments.

Social Media Collateral

Similar to concepts, social media collateral refers to the various visual and multimedia assets created specifically for use on social media platforms. 

These assets include graphics, illustrations, and templates designed to ensure professionalism across all social media content. Collateral is designed to fit the distinct style and objectives of the brand, from captivating banners and headers that communicate important brand messages to interactive elements like polls and quizzes that increase engagement.

This attention to detail ensures that every post, ad, or story not only aligns with the brand’s identity but also resonates with the target audience, making the brand stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

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